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New OpenMS website
The OpenMS team is proud to present its new website, hosting courtesy of Netlify.
Cibi Data & Code Clinic
A web-based video help desk for proteomics and metabolomics researchers
Dear OpenMS-Users, we are proud to announce the release of OpenMS 3.0. Grab it here In the following you find all important changes to the previous version: —————————————————————————————— New Tools: FLASHDeconv – Ultra-fast high-quality deconvolution enables online processing of top-down MS data (TOPP) FLASHDeconvWizard – A GUI assistant for FLASHDeconv execution. New Features: e.g. TMT18plex support (#6390) ProteinQuantifier supports iBAQ (#6107) OpenSwath: Add support for diaPASEF data with overlapping m/z and IM windows, and add new outputs on ion mobility features (delta_im), IM calibration (#5911, #6234, #6268) OpenSwathDecoyGenerator speed improvement and remove duplicates (#6054) NucleicAcidSearchEngine (NASE): user defined ribonucleotides with phosphorothioate linkages (#6337), JSON based ribonucleotides and updated to latest Modomics database (#6482) TargetedSpectraExtractor: more features (#6106) TOPPView: TheoreticalSpectrumGenerationDialog now supports generation of isotope patterns for metabolites (#6023); faster loading of external dragndrop data (#6837) colored commandline/console on all platforms (#6275) support for no cleavage for XTandemAdapter and CometAdapter (#6133).